Somewhere between Saturday's trip to the Sacred Threads exhibit and guiding a group through watercolor fun, that old light bulb went off. I remembered some paintings I did about nine years ago - a series called The Rivers of Prayer. One painting in particular was called Low Tide. I was never 100% pleased with it, but I knew I had done a lot of sketching and research. Aha, time to pull out that painting and that sketchbook. And inspiration bloomed BIG TIME.
As I hung the painting, I looked at it with new eyes and actually like it now. The sketchbook was full of notes and drawings of things that live in the zone where water and earth meet. Woo Hoo!! Excitement that I know where I want to go with this series.
First, time to make some background fabrics. Some ice dyes that are now soaking in Synthrapol.
And time to paint some fabric. After being in the watercolor arena on Sunday, I knew how to paint it and what things to use -- some of the many brushes from my painting days. Here's the first layer.
It feels so good to have all these things come together. It's as
if the artist in me has woken up from a long nap.
Moral of this story: Artist's Dates are so important to fill the well. So is play. And I did both this past weekend.
How are you filling your well? How are you having fun right now in your life?
Thanks for visiting. Karen