Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh my

I didn't realize how long it'seen since I have added to this blog. Sorry if you have been checking. Life has been happening at the speed of sound, at least that's what it has felt like. And quilting has been low on the to'do list. The good news is that I have some time over the next two days to be at my sewing machine. I have one gift to make - a tea cozy.

I have finished a couple pieces with bindings and facings. That always feels good. I finished quilting a piece for a friend and delivered it.

Mostly, I have been away from home. I've been able to visit my friend in Delaware who is now under hospice care two times since my last blog. It is hard to see a friend fade away. I hope that she can find peace in this process. Her husband has been great in his care for her. And now hospice can help him out. This time of year always has sadness in the midst of all the other emotions of the Christmas season. Today, the world is filled with sadness and sorrow for those victims and their families in the school disaster. I hope we all have time to hug our families more this year as we pray for those who are hurting.

I realize this post is a bit rambling. My thoughts have been all over the place lately. In my bookkeeping job,  I have been working twice as much, getting ready for the auditor who comes Thursday. More often than usual lately, I have had to be very intentional and stop and be aware of the moment.

Yesterday was a nice transition. I led a group in an Advent theme using my Praying with Watercolors retreat. I enjoyed seeing them slow down as they responded to all the music and played with the paints.

So right now, I think I'll get moving on that gift. I hope you have time in this busy season to pause and take care of yourself. Have a cup of tea and some chocolate.
