Saturday, April 14, 2012

Maybe some new work coming

Last week I visited the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore to see the exhibit All Things Round. This museum always inspires me, from the man who makes huge structures from toothpicks to the woven yarn structures made by a woman with Down Syndrome. Many pieces in the exhibit captured me and one stood out - The Golden Spiral by Greg Mort. He had several paintings there, all very moving, but this spiral captured me ... and seems to be calling me to create my own golden spiral.

Internet exploring revealed that this spiral can be created using logarithmic computations (which I resisted even though the math part of me was curious) or by using the Fibonacci Sequence. I am intrigued and have been pondering how to do this with fabric. The Fibonacci Sequence goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 where the last two numbers are added together to get the next number. To make the spiral, each number becomes a square. For more info on this, check out or or Wikipedia.

So, now I am playing with the "how tos". Do I piece the background first and then fuse the spiral parts on top? Do I make each square in total and sew them together? What color scheme do I want to use? I thought about some version of a color wheel or sequence. I am thinking about something earthy too. I'm thinking I may draw it out on paper first and get those curves worked out using a compass. I always did like geometry. So many options to explore.

This is exciting, especially since I have not decided on any other new work since the ACC show. I am collecting photos and thoughts on paths - those need to simmer a bit more. For now, I am going to explore this golden/Fibonacci spiral.

But first, I have a binding to attach to a cow quilt. It's nice to finish things.

Have you been to a museum lately? What spoke to you?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen!
    My neighbor (who knows my work) cut out the piece in Carroll Magazine for me about the fiber landscapes coming to the Tevis Gallery and there was your name!!! Congratulations! I know this is not as big as the Baltimore Arts Show, but it is great to have some local recognition. I hope to get out Tuesday night to say hi again, and to see some more of your work. Good luck!
    Mary Mahoney
