Camp Mimi was successful once again. Abigail made the napkins and apron that were requested. We ate out twice, tried a new ice cream place in town, watched several movies and enjoyed our time together. And we got Sam the Singer repaired by the end of the week so it can soon go home with her.
She got to sew on all three machines this week. I rather think she enjoys my Janome Horizon the most, of course, and finished up the apron on that machine.
As with all sewists (I'm still not sold on that word), she learned to unstitch as well. I let her be the judge of how the apron was coming together. Several times, she was not pleased and got out the seam ripper.
She was pleased and proud of the finished project. I had won some of these fabrics at a recent guild meeting and was pleased to see them in use (I don't use a lot of flowers).
We ended our time together by enjoying the DVD of The Secret Life of Bees with my book group along with more ice cream! Quite nice.
While at QSDS, I sketched a few tree designs. I'm wanting to express some thoughts about rootedness by creating trees. The best sketch of those became the start for this new piece. It's larger than recent things and, of course, has a life of its own.
Living with the sketch, I began to put together layers of ground fabrics. It just kept getting bigger.
The original piece of hand dyed that I had for the sky was not large enough. So, I pieced two similar pieces to a strip down the center to get more height and width.
Here's the full size sketch against the fabric.
On a trip to Patches, a Mt. Airy quilt shop, right before the guild meeting across the street, I found several fabrics for the center tree - a gorgeous Stonehenge. Got that center tree raw edged sewn down, stood back and deflated a bit. The roots sorta blend in with the ground - not what I want. So, right now I keep looking at it for answers about how to emphasize the roots. Any ideas are welcomed.
I do like the depth created by the other trees.
Back at Camp Mimi with Abigail, today was a slow day. We slept late, lazed around, went to lunch with a friend and took Sam the Singer into the shop. We did get the apron pattern cut out so it's ready to go on Wednesday using the small Janome. I withheld dinner until she practiced some on that machine, just to stay in the mood. What a meanie I am!
This afternoon ended with a phone call from a guy I went to high school with - he is one of the committee that is organizing the 50th reunion of our high school graduation. Egads! And they all want a decision and money now for the event next June. It's too hot to make such a decision now.
has officially begun. This is Abigail's time with me, an annual tradition since she was small. We play and get creative with whatever we want and just have fun. The tradition includes fudgesicles on the porch at night and usually a trip to a museum. This year includes some serious sewing instruction that will fulfill her home ec requirement as a home schooler.
So, we started with napkins using my 1963 Singer TouchNSew machine. This is the machine I had given her, but it seems that two years in an unheated garage took its toll. We fussed and fumed with it and then switched to my little Janome - I want her to use a machine that she can have at her house. Sam the Singer needs to visit the machine hospital and hopefully can be resusitated.
I must give Abigail lots of praise for sticking with it today. She was determined to finish six napkins and she did. Unlike some others, she did not give up or abandon the project - she decided she would win and be victorious.
The next project is an apron, easier fabric to sew with, but first we need a field trip for some fun.
Last week, I worked on a new tree piece and did some ice dyeing. The tree piece has some issues. I'll try to get some photos up tomorrow. Right now I need to finish dinner and feed us. The blue sky has returned and we need a walk.
I finally got back to my studio today after three days of full-time Mimi duty. Matthew, my oldest grandchild, was hospitalized for a serious case of pneumonia, so I was with his siblings during that time. He is now home and fever-free and continues to recuperate. Thank God.
I was able to get back to the rice cereal resists I started last week. I had put another layer of resist in a design on each and started a third piece with a more definite design. Today I painted all three and took advantage of the outside heat to help dry them. Then I soaked each separately in warm water and used a spatula to help scrape the resist off. Then, outside again to dry (I have these large thick bushes right outside my door - good drying spots). Here they are. I am pleased with the second and third. Good learning experience.
Friday, I hope to try out two new screens I have designed.
How wonderful it is to have a holiday to bring our attention to celebrating our freedom and heritage and counting our blessings. Happy Fourth of July to you.