Saturday, June 2, 2012

QSDS Day 6

First, here's the photo of the final version of Rootedness. I like it and so did others. I will quilt it after I get home - along with the other pieces I have been working on here.

Today, the class, Seat of the Pants Construction, with Cynthia Corbin began. The morning exercise was to cut squares and rectangles and create a composition (I forgot the rest of the guidelines). No longer intimidated by abstract design, I put this together.

The afternoon exercise was to work with a photograph that we brought from home. I have several photos of tree lined paths that I want to work with, so here's how far I got today. I still have to work out the tree canopy/leaves - also to be done at home.

Tomorrow will be a new exercise. I like Cynthia's way of moving us along. She is encouraging and gently nudges us past bumps.


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