I woke up Friday morning with a great sense of relief and excitement - the show was about to begin - at last. And now it is over. Lots of mixed emotions and just plain being tired.
If you have never been involved in having a booth at a craft show, I can tell you it is very little glamour and lots of hard work. But usually fun. It's been eight years since I stopped participating in the show circuit. This past weekend reminded me of the highs and lows. And now it is over.
Here are some photos of my booth in full regalia.
I am so thankful for all the help from family and friends and for all my friends who came to visit. Some former students and dear friends sent me some congratulatory flowers today - a bouquet of sunflowers and lovely purple somethings - a great contrast of colors. They know my love of purple.
How was the show, you may be asking after following me for months now? I had a lot of fun and talked to many, many people (lots of quilters). Compliments were shared freely and frequently. I felt a bit like Sally Field: "you like me". Sales, however, were low - some disappointment for me to process and just accept "it was what it was". And now it's over.
Time to rest a bit, get back to my usual routine and then pick up the unfinished projects and move forward. Thanks for following this journey.
Oh, I can check this off my bucket list and pick the next right thing. What are you moving toward?
Two days and closing in on the start of the show. Today we set up the booth. We got there early and had no wait on the loading dock. I'm guessing that tomorrow will be much busier with lots more exhibitors coming from out of town. That's why we went today. The booth looks good. The quilts look good hanging up together. I used several from my southwest series to start the show. My son helped and when I asked what he thought, he said I use color well. That's pretty good coming from a really good photographer. I'll take a photo of the booth before the show opens to share in this blog.
So, it's really happening. My hardest task of the day was deciding what clothes to wear for three days. I thought about a dress, but it has no pockets and I like to have pockets at shows. Plan B includes some nice pants with accent pieces. The suitcase is packed and I'll be off to the monastery where I'll be staying in the morning.
I'm thankful the show is almost here, for this springlike weather and for all the help and good wishes from family and friends. And I'm ready for showtime.
At last, it's almost show time. I've spent so much time getting ready and anticipating this show that I'm antsy and tired of waiting. Now, it's time for real action. Today I borrow my daughter's minivan and start loading it. Tomorrow my son and I head downtown to unload and set up the booth. Whew!
Thursday I'll move in with some friends for a couple days and spend the day at my bookkeeping job.
Then it's really show time on Friday. Woo Hoo! Say a prayer for me that all this goes easily with no problems. Thanks.
This show is big for me for several reasons. It's a great opportunity to show and sell my work. It is an honor to have juried into the show and be included with so many outstanding artisans. And it's a dream come true. I have done a lot of craft and art shows over the past 20 years and have dreamed of doing this one. So, come Monday morning, I get to check this off my bucket list. Life is so very good.
I took some time this past week to play with more twinchies. These were made from leftover pieces from the last shoulder bag I made for the show. I never thought I would be having fun with such small pieces, but I am. After I cut all the 2" squares, I had to put something together. This Kokopelli cloth jumped out and became the center. First, though, I bordered the image with a hand dyed orange piece. Then I arranged twinchies all around the image as a sort of frame and fused them down. Twinchies formed the next border with a bit more orange on the outside. I hope to have time to quilt and bind it tomorrow or Monday, then add it to my inventory.
Tomorrow we celebrate Abigail's 15th birthday. How did that happen? She is a delightful 15 year old. I am so happy to be her Mimi. Here she is with her cousins, Juliana and Bella - all three of my girls together.
I'm down to one week until the show. It's time. I am eager to set up and meet all the visitors to the show. This week was focused on final details and a lot of administrative stuff - pricing, labels, signs, packing quilts, gathering all the stuff needed to do a show.
I took a break and visited my friend in Delaware overnight. We had a good visit and caught up on many topics. On the way home, I was able to stop at Assateague National Seashore and walk along the beach. It felt so good to be near the ocean and hear the surf, walk on the sand and relax and be refreshed. I want to plan a longer trip after the show is over - probably spend some time near the Chincoteague Refuge and just sink into nature. I love the quote from the book of Job: "listen to the earth and it will teach you." I am ready to listen and be taught.
Today, it was 50 degrees here in Westminster - a great day for a walk. Surprises popped up everywhere in the form of flowers and greenery breaking through the dirt. Yes, it is early to see crocus and vinca and pansies, but I am loving this mild winter. I am very happy to be free of possible snow next week. Here are a couple of the surprises on my walk. Lovely.
Today I welcomed coffee and chocolate back into my life. How wonderful to be back to normal.
After spending a few hours organizing for that show, I pulled out some fabrics and started building strata to make another bag. It's amazing how doing what I love changes everything. My spirit lifts and focus returns. Joy. It is so easy to get tied to things that need to be done and put off what feeds me. I can only do that for a couple days and then I get on my own nerves. Today was grand. Chocolate. My favorite decaf coffee. Pasta for dinner. Time to sew. The snow melted. I called a friend and reserved a room in her house for an overnight next week. Lots of little things that bring contentment. Life is good.
The nasty virus is history for me, but I am still eating lightly. The funny thing is that I have had no desire for my decaf coffee or my dark chocolate treat since last Wednesday. For now it's tea and toast.
I did get some things done in the past few days. Nothing exciting, just those mundane things. I made hangers for all the wall quilts. I got the merchant card thing straightened out. I emailed the world with show and discount info. I delivered postcards to a couple shops. I got labels on all the quilts. The list is getting smaller. Whew!
In the midst of trying to get better, I got a phone call from the local art council asking me to be an exhibitor in a quilt show. How nice to be invited to show my work.
I have a few days at home to do what has to be done and maybe play with those "twinches" I made, when? Let's see what I can get done tonight and get organized for tomorrow.
What was the last surprise phone call that you received?
Or maybe I should say that this was the week that dissolved. First into some tough stuff that ruffled my feathers, nothing earthshaking, just stuff that I let bother me and had to spend time fixing. Then on Wednesday night I had a very unwelcome visitor -- the nasty digestive system virus that is "going around". Two of my grands had it, but somehow the virus decided to stay longer with me. I am back up today, but just going outside and downstairs to do laundry is using up a lot of energy. Enough of that. I am on the mend.
I had emailed some friends about the show and mentioned that I had a virus attacking my system. One friend wrote back that first she thought a computer virus had attacked that system. Funny how words have taken on new meanings connected to our world of technology. Virus. System. Network. Bugs. Apps. Text. Her email did remind me to run a virus scan on my PC so that it stays healthy. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could run a virus scan on our bodies and detect the germs and erase them?
Hope you are well and avoiding these winter bugs - all types. I hope to get a bit of work done while I have some energy.