Saturday, February 18, 2012

In the homestretch

I'm down to one week until the show. It's time. I am eager to set up and meet all the visitors to the show. This week was focused on final details and a lot of administrative stuff - pricing, labels, signs, packing quilts, gathering all the stuff needed to do a show.

I took a break and visited my friend in Delaware overnight. We had a good visit and caught up on many topics. On the way home, I was able to stop at Assateague National Seashore and walk along the beach. It felt so good to be near the ocean and hear the surf, walk on the sand and relax and be refreshed. I want to plan a longer trip after the show is over - probably spend some time near the Chincoteague Refuge and just sink into nature. I love the quote from the book of Job: "listen to the earth and it will teach you." I am ready to listen and be taught.

Today, it was 50 degrees here in Westminster - a great day for a walk. Surprises popped up everywhere in the form of flowers and greenery breaking through the dirt. Yes, it is early to see crocus and vinca and pansies, but I am loving this mild winter. I am very happy to be free of possible snow next week. Here are a couple of the surprises on my walk. Lovely.

What tells you that spring is on the way?


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