For the last few days, I've just been coming home and dropping things. So, today I tackled and organized my chaos. Part of this was inventory-ing the quilts I have on hand to take to the ACC Show - 32 are finished! Hoo-ha.
Then I got to sew and put the binding on No. 33 - the small sunflowers. Here it is ...
To celebrate, I opened my thank-you gift from my son and daughter-in-law - deep dark chocolate. Her mother and I watched the children while Sean and Jessica went on a trip. Last night, they gave us a dinner and some yummy chocolate. Really gooooooooooooood!
Now it's time to begin a new piece. I just received Rayna Gillman's newest book, Create Your Own Free Form Quilts. I started reading it a few days ago and felt that I didn't have time to try new techniques; that I should FOCUS on the next ACC piece. I just love her methods and freedom of design. After sewing the binding on the sunflower, I realized that doing that inventory gave me time to play and try something new. As she suggests in the book, I pulled out three pieces of dyed and stamped fabric from a workshop and looked for some go-withs.
Next step -- cutting them up and playing. And I feel that this is play, not work. I'm excited to see what emerges.
Is there something you need to do that will bring you freedom for something new? Hmmm.
This blog is to help me on my journey as an artist and person and to share with you my adventures and experiences.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Fun, Food and Laughter
Thanksgiving weekend is one of my favorite things. This year, three dinners, time with my children and grands, lots of good food, lots of laughter, even a parade, and glorious weather. Three different desserts over the three days. And tonight, when I finally got home after working and a side trip to get some stuff for the ACC show booth, I ate my soup and the last of the desserts - a yummy black bottom cupcake. A good way to end the weekend.
I live on top of a big hill and overlook Westminster. Tonight I can see holiday lights twinkling in many areas, signalling the start of the holiday season. Fun. I wish folks would leave those lights up until the end of February to brighten winter's darkness.
I have a confession -- I was one of those nutty people shopping at midnight Thursday night. I must admit it was kinda fun. People were nice. There was lots of laughter amid the lines waiting for those bargains. I was amazed at the number of big screen TVs going out the door. I guess I thought everyone had one already. AND I actually went out again on Friday morning. AND I did my Amazon order last night. So, I am way ahead on my shopping. That's a relief because the countdown to the ACC show is below 90 days. So I have to get to work.
I live on top of a big hill and overlook Westminster. Tonight I can see holiday lights twinkling in many areas, signalling the start of the holiday season. Fun. I wish folks would leave those lights up until the end of February to brighten winter's darkness.
I have a confession -- I was one of those nutty people shopping at midnight Thursday night. I must admit it was kinda fun. People were nice. There was lots of laughter amid the lines waiting for those bargains. I was amazed at the number of big screen TVs going out the door. I guess I thought everyone had one already. AND I actually went out again on Friday morning. AND I did my Amazon order last night. So, I am way ahead on my shopping. That's a relief because the countdown to the ACC show is below 90 days. So I have to get to work.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Don't you just love these gourds? The middle one is know as a Mexican hat. Happy things for my table.
With thanks to Mary Lou Weidman, I recommend a very moving and inspiring video on gratitude ...
With thanks to Mary Lou Weidman, I recommend a very moving and inspiring video on gratitude ... It's about 8 or 9 minutes long, but it has a lot to say.
I believe that every day needs time for gratitude. I begin and end my days by giving thanks to God for at least five things. Today began with gratitude for sunshine after several days of heavy rain and gray skies and that Bella is recovering from a long and difficult croup attack. I have found that focusing on being thankful lightens my mood and helps me get through dark times and moves me from negativity to a new view.
This morning, as I sit here typing, everywhere I look I see another thing that I am blessed with - flowers, photos of my family, these crazy bright gourds, books waiting to be read, a painting I did years ago that I love, the radio with shows for this day, a finished quilt, the next one in line to be sewn today, lots of bright fabrics, and the notes on my calendar for family dinners this week. Absolutely wonderful, make that wonder-filled.
I hope that your day and week and year are blessed. Check out that video - it could change your day. I give thanks for all of you who are sharing my journey.
Hugs to you, Karen
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A full and fulfilling weekend
This was a busy weekend. I taught two workshops and shared a Thanksgiving dinner with my Benedictine friends. Each event filled me. I like to teach and I like to eat and I love being with friends. AND I feel really good when participants go home happy.
Today I led a group through what I call "Praying with Watercolors." Every time I've led this workshop, I have felt so blessed as people shared what they did and how a few hours doing something new or different has refreshed them. I know it's not me - it's Spirit being present and gifting us all. Truly awesome.
What a nice way to start a new week.
What blessings are you bringing to this new week?
Today I led a group through what I call "Praying with Watercolors." Every time I've led this workshop, I have felt so blessed as people shared what they did and how a few hours doing something new or different has refreshed them. I know it's not me - it's Spirit being present and gifting us all. Truly awesome.
What a nice way to start a new week.
What blessings are you bringing to this new week?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Yikes - 98 days til the ACC Show
This countdown thing makes me nervous. How will I ever get everything done that I want to have done for the ACC Show in 98 days? And I sure don't have time for worrying or panic. It all will get done, maybe.
I have made progress this week. The hummingbird is complete and bound and actually hanging. I started working on the small sunflower wall hanging - put two borders on it and here I am testing the outer border ...
Today I put two pieces of fabric into ice dyes to be used for backings. I really like this process of dyeing fabric. It's pretty low tech and low effort AND since the fabric isn't sitting in the dye, the rinsing process takes a lot less time. Below is a photo of an ice dyed piece that will be the background for a field of sunflowers.
This weekend I have two workshops that I am leading. So, I won't have studio time until Wednesday. Another YIKES! OK, I have to quit whining. Sorry about all that. All these things are great. I am very blessed to have work to do, to have this show to be in, to have workshops I can share with others, and to have three Thanksgiving dinners to look forward to.
Now, if I could only figure out how to make this blog work like other blogs, I'd be giggling all over myself.
One more photo of a really cool ice dyed fabric.
It reminds me of a spring garden.
Time to get back to work. Oh, this is really cool - tonight is the peak viewing time for the Leonid meteor shower AND the sky is clear. So, maybe I might see some dazzling meteorites flying through the sky.
What dazzles you?
I have made progress this week. The hummingbird is complete and bound and actually hanging. I started working on the small sunflower wall hanging - put two borders on it and here I am testing the outer border ...
Today I put two pieces of fabric into ice dyes to be used for backings. I really like this process of dyeing fabric. It's pretty low tech and low effort AND since the fabric isn't sitting in the dye, the rinsing process takes a lot less time. Below is a photo of an ice dyed piece that will be the background for a field of sunflowers.
This weekend I have two workshops that I am leading. So, I won't have studio time until Wednesday. Another YIKES! OK, I have to quit whining. Sorry about all that. All these things are great. I am very blessed to have work to do, to have this show to be in, to have workshops I can share with others, and to have three Thanksgiving dinners to look forward to.
Now, if I could only figure out how to make this blog work like other blogs, I'd be giggling all over myself.
One more photo of a really cool ice dyed fabric.
It reminds me of a spring garden.
Time to get back to work. Oh, this is really cool - tonight is the peak viewing time for the Leonid meteor shower AND the sky is clear. So, maybe I might see some dazzling meteorites flying through the sky.
What dazzles you?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Check one more off the to-do list
Well, it's almost finished. I just have to put the binding on this charming hummingbird and then it's ready for the show. Whew! The design is based on native American/First People of Canada/Inuit styles of drawing and painting animals and birds. It has a flavor of drawings from totem poles. The figure is broken into basic shapes within shapes. I have a pin that inspired this design. In native cultures, the hummingbird is a symbol of joy and healing.
The hummingbird was one of the blocks I did years ago for an autobiography quilt that never got made. My next small quilt is another of those blocks - a sunflower. Here's the beginning.
One more photo from my family. Last night was Matt's last football game. His team made it to the finals and came in fourth for the league. The best part was that he played in this game. Congrats, Matt.
I keep getting emails about November being gratitude month. I am certainly grateful for family and completed projects.
How about you?
The hummingbird was one of the blocks I did years ago for an autobiography quilt that never got made. My next small quilt is another of those blocks - a sunflower. Here's the beginning.
One more photo from my family. Last night was Matt's last football game. His team made it to the finals and came in fourth for the league. The best part was that he played in this game. Congrats, Matt.
I keep getting emails about November being gratitude month. I am certainly grateful for family and completed projects.
How about you?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
One more photo from Assateague
"You never know who's watching" - that's what my older brother used to tell me when I was a teenager. It was his way of telling me to behave. Yeah. But often, I'd find one of his buddies nearby. So, mostly I behaved.
On Friday as I walked back from my windy view of the ocean at Assateague, I was pleasantly surprised by a woman who had been watching and said she had taken a couple photos of me battling the wind and would be happy to email them to me. With thanks to Lorelei, here's a shot of me in that wind.
I really was struggling to stand upright in that wind. I like this photo also because I look thin and fit, and almost tall. How nice of a stranger to send this photo. What's that quote about strangers being angels?
How has a stranger blessed you lately?
On Friday as I walked back from my windy view of the ocean at Assateague, I was pleasantly surprised by a woman who had been watching and said she had taken a couple photos of me battling the wind and would be happy to email them to me. With thanks to Lorelei, here's a shot of me in that wind.
I really was struggling to stand upright in that wind. I like this photo also because I look thin and fit, and almost tall. How nice of a stranger to send this photo. What's that quote about strangers being angels?
How has a stranger blessed you lately?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Something old, something new
Every time I think I'm running out of ideas, something pops up. I have two large pieces that I want to start, but I'm not ready - a bit of fear about messing up these two gorgeous hunks of fabric. So, I procrastinated some more and woo hoo, this hummingbird appeared.
She's five or six years old now. She was one of a bunch of blocks that I intended to put together for a quilt for my bed. Didn't happen. I just kept moving the hanger holding them from closet to closet, saying one day - maybe. Lost interest in them. The other day I moved them again and the hummingbird called. So, she is becoming a nice little wall hanging. But, what to do, what to do, to make that happen? I pulled out some batiks (batiks always work for me) and started making wonky flying geese to become the border.
Hmm, these could play together nicely. Hope they can hang out til Wednesday. Tomorrow is Tuesday with the girls and then a guild meeting.
What's in your closet?
She's five or six years old now. She was one of a bunch of blocks that I intended to put together for a quilt for my bed. Didn't happen. I just kept moving the hanger holding them from closet to closet, saying one day - maybe. Lost interest in them. The other day I moved them again and the hummingbird called. So, she is becoming a nice little wall hanging. But, what to do, what to do, to make that happen? I pulled out some batiks (batiks always work for me) and started making wonky flying geese to become the border.
Hmm, these could play together nicely. Hope they can hang out til Wednesday. Tomorrow is Tuesday with the girls and then a guild meeting.
What's in your closet?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Where the deer and the horses play
I know I was only away for 36 hours, but I feel so full that it seems like days. My Thursday began with this marvelous sunrise ...
It was an easy and quick drive to Delaware. My first stop was at Serendipity Quilt Shop in Dagsboro. If you are a quilter and you go 'down the ocean', you have to stop there. It's a delight to visit there. I was only going to get some 505 basting spray, but some fabrics called my name. Then I headed up to visit with my friends Peg and Neil. Peg's in round two of chemo and I was so pleased to see how good she looks right now. Prayers always help with the healing. We gabbed and caught up on some TV and I sewed on two bindings. A great visit.Then I was torn between just visiting Assateague National Seashore or spending a night at Chincoteague. Well, the weather helped me decide. It was getting colder and very, very windy. But I needed to see the ocean in a natural state -- without buildings and clutter. So, I decided on Assateague. Just driving down the highway that leads to the parks felt joyful. These trees jumped out and called to be in something one day. Something about a path ...
For now, I'll settle on several photos. As I drove into the park, the critters appeared ...

When I got back in my car, I was surprised to find sand inside my socks. Way too windy for me, but not for some hardier souls in a tent yet.
I wasn't there very long and I didn't get to walk along the water's edge, but I felt blessed by nature, by the ocean, by its rawness, by the power of the wind. As I drove home, I was filled with gratitude for the whole visit. And I'll be back ...
What are you grateful for today? Make a list and give thanks.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Computers, quilts and stitches
This morning was one of those 'technology stinks' days. My daughter's computer was giving her nasty messages about 'disk read errors'. That's not what you want to see. I heard some panic in her voice - there were no backup copies of all her files. I put on my old techie hat and went over to help. Somehow I got past the error screens and was able to copy what she needed. She home schools her children and a lot of her files were school related. A couple hours later, we had success and a full DVD. Panic was averted. Then I got back to my studio for some work.
I've been out for the past three days, but managed to sneak in some time on a couple pieces. One is playing nicely and the other is back on the wall.
As I played with Sun Rise, I was taken over by a desire to do handwork, to put in quilting stitches by hand! Wow, what a surprise. People who know my quilting style might tell you I get a bit OCD about free motion quilting. I like lots of details and lots of thread in designs. So, here I am quilting one stitch at a time. A nice challenge. I like what's happening here. Who knows what else this quilt will ask for?
But I sure don't know what these 'blue spirits' want. I keep looking at them and nothing comes. I showed it to a friend who hesitated before saying anything - then said she wasn't sure what these things were -- bowling pins, coffins? So, it's back up on the wall .
Tomorrow I'm off to Delaware for a couple days to visit my friend Peg. We tend to sit and gab and watch a movie or two so I am taking two quilts to be bound and Sun Rise for more hand work. I may have to stop and get a fresh apple pie from Baugher's to add to our visit. Hmm.
I've been out for the past three days, but managed to sneak in some time on a couple pieces. One is playing nicely and the other is back on the wall.
As I played with Sun Rise, I was taken over by a desire to do handwork, to put in quilting stitches by hand! Wow, what a surprise. People who know my quilting style might tell you I get a bit OCD about free motion quilting. I like lots of details and lots of thread in designs. So, here I am quilting one stitch at a time. A nice challenge. I like what's happening here. Who knows what else this quilt will ask for?
But I sure don't know what these 'blue spirits' want. I keep looking at them and nothing comes. I showed it to a friend who hesitated before saying anything - then said she wasn't sure what these things were -- bowling pins, coffins? So, it's back up on the wall .
Tomorrow I'm off to Delaware for a couple days to visit my friend Peg. We tend to sit and gab and watch a movie or two so I am taking two quilts to be bound and Sun Rise for more hand work. I may have to stop and get a fresh apple pie from Baugher's to add to our visit. Hmm.
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