Sunday, November 20, 2011

A full and fulfilling weekend

This was a busy weekend. I taught two workshops and shared a Thanksgiving dinner with my Benedictine friends. Each event filled me. I like to teach and I like to eat and I love being with friends. AND I feel really good when participants go home happy.

Today I led a group through what I call "Praying with Watercolors." Every time I've led this workshop, I have felt so blessed as people shared what they did and how a few hours doing something new or different has refreshed them. I know it's not me - it's Spirit being present and gifting us all. Truly awesome.

What a nice way to start a new week.

What blessings are you bringing to this new week?


1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating workshop. Your description was so thoughtful and positive. I'd love to hear more about it.
